
Strawberry Wyrvens
Finished | Knitting

Strawberry Wyrvens

First try at 2 socks on 2 circs toe up with a figure 8 cast on! Worked on this during the Stephanie Pearl-McPhee talk on Earth Day. In Kingdom Hearts, there is an enemy called a Wyvern. I originally thought it said Wyrven (rhymes with Swervin’) and so that’s what I called them. I still…

Flower Washcloth
Finished | Knitting

Flower Washcloth

I had this yarn sitting around from a clearance sale, and I needed to make something for my brother’s girlfriend. This was a pattern I’d seen at the library and really liked. I think I’d like to try making it again in the actual yarn it calls for, but hopefully this will soften up and…

Striped Garterlac
Finished | Knitting

Striped Garterlac

I didn’t have a recipient in mind, I just needed something to do while on a trip. And I wanted to see how Stripes worked out in this pattern. Pretty cool actually, a pleasing color scheme and a nice knit. I did the picking up a little nicer this time around; by going into more…

Sarah slippers
Finished | Knitting

Sarah slippers

I wanted some basic slippers. Sarah admired my library slippers with the fuzzy top and the padding in the bottom, so I wanted those to be elements of these socks too. I did short row toes and heels similar to Knitty’s Twinkle toes and then added eyelets so a piece of yarn could be woven…

Mr DarkGreenjeans
Frogged | Knitting

Mr DarkGreenjeans

Finished, 4/16: I got bad about updating along the way. I did end up ripping about 8 rows back after joining the second ball of yarn and going back and alternating rows to try and make it a more natural transformation. I did the same with the sleeves, but none of the other balls were…