
Warm Heart Socks
Hibernating | Knitting

Warm Heart Socks

I love this pattern and purchased tan, green, and plum colored yarn for it. Started mid-September. Update: Finished sock one on October 16th. Updated 2/08: I’m about 1/2 done with the second sock. HIBERNATING. I’m tired of these! My guage is looser than I’d like, the weaving of the yarn for the stripes takes more…

Library squares
Finished | Knitting

Library squares

The Fort Vancouver Regional library is going to have an auction of an afghan made from practice squares from people in the library knit-in group. Many of the squares are just garter stitch, so I thought I’d add a few patterns in. I got a skein of Wool-ease and ear-marked it for this purpose. Float…

Leah’s scarf
Finished | Knitting

Leah’s scarf

I started out with size 7 needle and k1p1 knit and it was too dense so I switched to size 10 and it was perfect. I taught myself to knit continential with this scarf. When gifting this, I made a flower to tie it up, and that turned out very pretty.

Valentine Socks
Finished | Knitting

Valentine Socks

This was my first pair of socks, and I used this pattern because it was on the shelf as a free tear off, and I knew I couldn’t go as wrong by buying the yarn specified in a pattern like this. I liked the colors a lot, I’m a big fan of valentine’s day. I…