
Fuzzy Baby hat
Finished | Knitting

Fuzzy Baby hat

I modified this pattern to be smaller since he was a preemie.   I also carried a strand of Bernat Softee to make it use more of the color out of the booties that went along with it as a gift.  I omitted the pompom and the top looked beautiful without it.

Leah’s doll
Finished | Knitting

Leah’s doll

I’m using this pattern, but making her all in cream, and then adding underware and clothes.  The clothes will be out of Shine Worsted because that’s what I have leftover from the other project for this birthday (Pinwheel sweater).  I’ll be making her hair out of the Essential, I’d like to make it curly, but…

Morpheus Scarf
Finished | Knitting

Morpheus Scarf

This was my first attempt at lace knitting and dropping stitches. I was worried about my cast on not being loose enough, so I found and used Eunny’s "lace cast on".  I also used a different bind off, but I don’t recall which one right now. The pattern was very simple – knit knit knit…

Ankle socks
Finished | Knitting

Ankle socks

I modified this pattern to add a higher leg and then to fit my foot and gauge.  I found this one because the Trampoline was stretchy, which sounded similar to Cascade Fixation. I did the heel and toe slightly different, based on the Simple Sock from Socks, Socks, Socks.