Finished | Knitting

monkey caught a bee

Knit.Sock.Love was a gift from MSkiKnits.

Adapting for Toe-up, with a few extra stitches on the sole to make it slightly bigger than the small size. 9st/inch. The toe-up options of Los Manos Loco (with no purls) and the Toe-up Monkey Socks by Zvenhy Levy (with many adjustments) are helpful for people wanting to do a toe-up version. still deciding on the heel pattern.

Cast-on 1-25 too late too loosely because it was too late at night! Ripped and cast-on again 1-26 and knit during the previews to The Hobbit. Knit some during the week with the intention to make the large size, with about one repeat of the pattern: they were just too large, so I ripped again! Cast-on 1-30 and brought to Wednesday knitting.

Finally wove in ends January 2014, and realized they were still just too snug to pull on and off comfortably. Gifted to my very knitworthy friend Jennifer 🙂

BeganJanuary 31, 2013
FinishedMay 1, 2013
EditedMay 12, 2013
Pattern URLMonkey Socks by 573
Made forMe, then gifted to Jennifer

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