
motorway roadtrip
Finished | Knitting

motorway roadtrip

715g (3.6 skeins) of the bigger chunks of ripped BMFA STR Heavyweight. 10-08-2015 Cast on prior to #alumholiday road trip so it could be knit on during the drive. By the time we got going, I had the body memorized. 10-15-2015 end of #alumholiday and I have 6.5” of the 11” I have planned on…

Mr DarkGreenjeans
Frogged | Knitting

Mr DarkGreenjeans

Finished, 4/16: I got bad about updating along the way. I did end up ripping about 8 rows back after joining the second ball of yarn and going back and alternating rows to try and make it a more natural transformation. I did the same with the sleeves, but none of the other balls were…