
tan house stripey
Cast on for my niece in a stripy yarn she admires every time she’s in my craft room. Will block out long so she can tie it in the back like a shrug. added short rows to each side before the last set of eyelets so it was longer and made it have a little…

summer rainbow
KALs: Zombie Knitpocalypse 2014 with pattern from designer showcase and yarn from marketplace. Stockinette Zombies’ Self-Striping KAL. Sassy Pants Knitter’s eye-searing KAL. Down Cellar Studio’s shawl KAL. Yarn was a trade from epic1313 so I had something from a market vendor! she rocks. Found the light pink on the yarn crawl to suit me and…

use vesper, but get smaller needles since it’s 100% merino, no nylon. reinforcing center of bottom of the sole with slip stitch ala eye of partridge. with super tight gauge, came up with a larger stitch count than the large size to get the right diameter for my feet. this slowed me down but will…