zombiez decay
Began | June 22, 2014 |
Finished | July 31, 2014 |
100% | |
Edited | August 5, 2014 |
Made for | me |
june top band color: 104g to start; 67g after band — 37g for band. 13 repeats, 3” each. June 22, 2016 cable adjustment for bodice – 4 st cable: 3st to back, k1; p2, k1 from cable needle. stretchier than the cable called for by the pattern, but takes less swapping of stitch orientation when…
and prize for fastest cast on after publication goes to K! 😀
a hat to match the Steeked blanket. yes, i’m matching a hat to a blanket. heh! Did a 5-color helix. used decreases set out loosely by the pattern but still in helix colors. made an I-cord with a knot to end the top. the 1×1 rib looked too loose, so I rolled it up and…
I’m using two strands of homespun with one strand of premier. I started with 2 baroque strands, then changed to 1 purple and one tudor, and the 2 tudors, and so on. Update, end of October: I decided to make this longer, as I miscalculated the amount of premier I had (more than I thought),…
Notes see note on ittybitty for my recipe. leftovers from a shawl a few years back, my first ever sparkle yarn! if that doesn’t spread joy and a “spark”, I don’t know what would.