Wren shawl – blueyonder
Began | November 1, 2010 |
Finished | May 1, 2010 |
% | |
Edited | November 1, 2010 |
Pattern URL | Wren Shawl by 208356 |
Made for | Sale |
not completely sure of the stats of the skeins. one was a prize, another was an early OFFF purchase that was never added to rav. tan yarn was 130g to begin with, and used all. blue yarn was 144g to begin with, and used 20g
Learning to double-knit. Used two strands of different multi-colors. Cast on with two strands held together and then started double-knitting. Bound off with two strands on the wrong side to have the same effect on the border. Improved decreases by rearranging stitches as in cable-needle-free cables. Added eyelet row similarly – the ribbon is threaded…
CO 12 with Judy’s Magic Cast on. first time without looking at the instructions! increasing to 36/72. finished toe, will do 5 repeats of pattern over 35 stitches on top, stockingette on bottom of foot. Started increase for heels too late, using Cat Bordhi’s Sidestream increase. Did math to figure out how many rows the…
behmalong with knitmoregirls, conversation knits
i have 5 skeins to the Wonder Woman set. Stripes are closer together on the underbust because I want to use the entire skein of ruby black (it will probably also be a bottoms edging for sleeves and the bottom of the skirt.)
held yarn doubled. made up cables and little eyelets on the front, and a little different motif on the back. the top front has an overlapping “envelope” section, and an icord tie. meant to line but haven’t figured out how to best do that when the case shrinks/expands depending on whether the iPad is in…