
Ankle socks for Sarah
Finished | Knitting

Ankle socks for Sarah

Plan: Toe-up socks, ankle length, toes and heels in grey. Started with the Risata using Judy’s magic cast-on. After about half of the increases, started striping the Felici to add more interest. Switched to all Felici after getting to the desired stitch count. Intend to do an afterthought heel with the same striping sequence. 4/10:…

Beach Rib socks
Finished | Knitting

Beach Rib socks

9/6 update: I rock. In the time it took to watch Speed, I did 1.25 heels. That’s faster than ever, and the stitches look perfect. I took a break from these to work on one of my many planned Christmas presents, so they’ll take longer than if I were working non-stop, but they are coming…