Rambaldi Scarf in rustic purple multicolor
Began | November 11, 2010 |
Finished | October 1, 2010 |
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Edited | November 11, 2010 |
Made for | sale |
CO on E’s bday before Aunt Kristine’s knitting school. worked on during Christmas week celebrations.
Cast on in train to Madrona! Top border: garter, 5” tall. Wedge: used for social knitting and did much further than necessary. slightly asymmetrical! Main section: began striping with the lavender yarn – 4 rows of lav, then 2 rows of main Bottom border: garter, 2 1/4” tall. striped with the lav yarn changing colors…
Started with a square double stranded in seed stitch. Picked up stitches all the way around and started a meshy stitch. Decreased and added a few stockingette rows and an eyelet row in case I wanted a drawstring half way up. More mesh and then handles at the top. Finished knitting 3/15, still need to…
knit turned hem flat, then joined in the round with helix knitting technique. steeked and made a steek sandwich for the side borders. border uses idea from the book “Crochet Kaleidoscope” motif #15.
Added the rest of the yarn from Crockern Tor as the edging. Cast on for guthstorm in March and knit during ZK in June.