Woven purse in teaparty
with crossed handles.
Began | November 11, 2010 |
Finished | October 1, 2010 |
% | |
Edited | November 11, 2010 |
Made for | sale |
proof of concept!
Learning to double-knit. Used two strands of different multi-colors. Cast on with two strands held together and then started double-knitting. Bound off with two strands on the wrong side to have the same effect on the border. Improved decreases by rearranging stitches as in cable-needle-free cables. Added eyelet row similarly – the ribbon is threaded…
I didn’t have a recipient in mind, I just needed something to do while on a trip. And I wanted to see how Stripes worked out in this pattern. Pretty cool actually, a pleasing color scheme and a nice knit. I did the picking up a little nicer this time around; by going into more…
the cast on is tricky. I kept trying to rotate the work (ala a sock toe) instead of turn. envision making rainbow shaped arcs with the 5-stitch on each end as the tips of the rainbow. Worked on this for one evening, then knitting in, and then I decided I wanted to wear it the…
royal purple + regency era style. lace waistband: Stitchinary Volume 1, p163 # 243. Took the top of Emmaline and did a little less increase on the bodice than the arms to get a snugger fit. Then added the lace waistband in the back and front right under my bust. Then a lot of increasing…