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Get the latest podcast and info at yarningspodcast.com. Join the discussion on the ravelry group
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continue reading the show notes...
I love lists. Here's a list of everything mentioned in this week's podcast:
- Yarn Garden - Debbie Stoller's Stitch 'n Bitch Superstar Knitting: Go Beyond the Basics
- Urban Fiber Arts, new Portland yarn store in the Pearl District (carries Black Trillium's yarn)
- Happy Knits, my favorite Portland yarn store
- carries Knit Picks needle tips.
- Kristine in the Fall socks (project page on ravelry), using TDTU pattern. bemoaning my tightness and higher stitch count.
- original Fried Chicken Soup, and updated Fried Chicken Soup
- my kadyellebee shop on etsy
- On my blog, tv season recap to date
- greasemonkey extension for Firefox: #!etsyhacks copylisting
- Christian Kane, actor and country-rock singer (direct link to the video on youtube)