Ankle socks for Sarah
Finished | Knitting

Ankle socks for Sarah

Plan: Toe-up socks, ankle length, toes and heels in grey. Started with the Risata using Judy’s magic cast-on. After about half of the increases, started striping the Felici to add more interest. Switched to all Felici after getting to the desired stitch count. Intend to do an afterthought heel with the same striping sequence. 4/10:…

Spring Sprout
Finished | Knitting

Spring Sprout

Making the elbow-length, long version of this cardigan. 3/15, almost done with the raglan increases. 4/5: Started waist decreases after sleeves divided off. 4/13: finished bottom and used seed stitch for the bottom edge instead of ribbing. Would like to go back and take out the top stitches and make the top trip seed stitch…

Bayou lace scarf
Finished | Knitting

Bayou lace scarf

Reclaiming the yarn from a previously frogged project. Started several swatches and ideas yesterday, hope to pick something today. Testing the following, about 2” of swatch and it looks good. Trellis Lace, p 116 from Lace and Eyelets (edited by Erica Knight): CO 37: R1: K4, yo, sl1, k2tog, psso, yo, k3, k1 R3: K1,…

Percy bag
Finished | Knitting

Percy bag

Almost done to use at Disneyland, but the finishing work didn’t quite make it. Crocheted the sides together with the strap. I wanted to wear it across my front, but the strap is just slightly too short. So now I have to decide if it will be a gift for someone or if I take…

Raven Wrap
Finished | Knitting

Raven Wrap

Started February 11th so I’d have it going to bring to knit-in that night. Worked on it alternating with my Stripey socks, until the needle broke. Then it was “all-wrap, all the time”. Finished on a Saturday afternoon 10 days after starting. It was a wonderful lace pattern, especially after I charted it out so…