Kaylee Walks on the Sun
Began | October 21, 2016 |
Finished | December 12, 2016 |
100% | |
Edited | January 11, 2017 |
Pattern URL | Sunwalker by 600591 |
Gradated from full sized Queen Anne lace to small to make a showpiece out of one side of the scarf. Listed on Etsy on 2/26.
I used this pattern as a starting place, but did my own stitch counts, stitch patterns, and methods. I wanted the bottom to be solid but the top to stretch, so the first square (CO 18 st until it was square) was seed stitch, doubled with a color and white. The remainder of the rectangle…
Cast-on Friday night, and did a lot of knitting over the weekend. just for fun, TV episodes enjoyed while knitting: Fringe “The Plateau” Fringe “Do Shapeshifters Dream of Electric Sheep?” Fringe “Amber 3422 Fringe “6955 kHz” Fringe “The Abducted” Fringe “Entrada” Fringe “Marionette” Fringe “Firefly” Fringe “Reciprocity” Bones “The Doctor in the Photo” Bones “The…
Using my new Zephyr tips. Knitting is done, deciding on a fringe or no fringe.
adapted to add a seed stitch button panel to the Barley pattern. bought the buttons at OFFF with the hope to make this hat and then found the yarn on destash 🙂