About Kristine
giggly geeky crafty girl.
- Knitting since November 2006
- Crochet since the spring of 2009
- Spinning since January 2011 on spindles and the fall of 2020 on an electric wheel.
- published first knitting pattern in 2010.
- began audio podcast in 2010, took a break and switched to video format in 2014 and back on hiatus again – this project blog will fill in some of the blanks of my crafting life!
I threw myself into knitting when I started, challenged myself with projects, and always learn more. I’ve designing patterns and I love finding interesting architecture to make my items fun to knit and interesting to wear. I always have multiple projects depending on what I am doing with my crafting, and this keeps me happily entertained while watching shows, chatting online with friends, and when my energy allows, playing board games.
Important links: You can purchase my patterns on Payhip. You can also see my past stories through the Yarnings Podcast or my posts on the kadyellebee blog.
I’m working on moving my knitting/crocheting/spinning projects over to a new home that’s still a work in process over on my Yarnings crafty journal.
for a little more fun storytelling:
I’ve been blogging for many years, and that made me search out knitting blogs right away when I started knitting. It’s a delight to be inspired by such grand wonderful people in the blogosphere… I’m such a fan of blogs that I worked for a blogging company for over 4 years.
NOTE: I was an avid, early adopter of Ravelry (as member 401) until they released a design that harmed people in the disability community through migraines, seizures, and more because of their design choices. Their response was a disbelieve of these reports, and a site I formerly loved and supported now became a cause of heartache for me. This Yarnings Project blog is a direct result of needing somewhere else public to put my projects. I prioritize knitting patterns I can find by designers who are off rav now, or patterns I already own. I have connected with a variety of people using the RavelryAccessibility tags on twitter and Instagram, and this has brought me ideas and commiseration.
My stash of yarn, fiber, paper supplies, and more take up part of my studio room along with many bookshelves of our favorite things and my colorful makeup. It’s a special joy to always be able to have my swift and ball winder waiting for me to use!
In my personal life, I’m in love, married since 2000. I have fibromyalgia and other chronic health issues so I’m often bed-bound and use a wheelchair. So I’m working on relaxing and getting my life into a more orderly mess. 🙂
- Fandom favs~ Darcy Lewis (Thor, MCU), Felicity Smoak (Arrow)
- Know me by~ purple curls, big smile, newbie to wheelchair life – mine’s named Esme with fairy lights, sparkles and shines!, colorful, exuberant over fandoms, instagramming myself, enjoying sweet treats, dirty chais, and good food. knitting is constant companion.