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podcast listening Kristine! |
I am a big fan of knitting/fibery podcasts. They keep me company during walks and bed rest, while I am creating and cooking and cleaning. And the great thing about podcasts is that they allow me to interact with the hosts in a way I can't easily do with other mediums like TV or Books! I have made some very good friends because of podcasts.
I have a special fondness for podcasts with a geeky flare. I enjoy hearing about podcasters who are also designers talking about their newest patterns. Many podcasts, I have to listen or watch with my browser window at the ready to add things to my ravelry queue!
do note, URLs may change, and I will attempt to keep the links updated.
- The Knitmore Girls hosted by Jasmin cuteknitter and Gigi gigidahling "a multigenerational knitting production." find them online as @knitmoregirls and @knitmoregirls.
- Stockinette Zombies hosted by Amy jknitma and Megan justrunknit "two knitters out of Minnesota talking about current projects, yarn, and patterns." find them online as @StZombies
- Geeky Girls Knit hosted by C.C. javapurl and Damaris damaris-abitweird "a Mamma/Daughter video podcast for fans all things knitting & geeky." find C.C. online as @cc_almon
- Fiber & Dice hosted by Rebecca engineersfalcon "climbing the mountains of knitting, spinning, and books to conquer all the things; plus gamerly news." find her online as engineersfalcon
- sassypantsknitter hosted by Wendy sillyfru "the misadventures of a girl who embraces shiny, fibery goodness" find her online as sillyfru
- The Anatomy Knitting Podcast hosted by Erin KnittingRN join in the group
- Down Cellar Studio hosted by Jen bostonjen "A knitting, photography, and crafting podcast." find her online as bostonjen1
- Commuter Knitter Podcast hosted by Jen ndjen04 "Where the yarn meets the road." find her online as ndjen04
- in a sKnit hosted by Sarah mrsshoo and Kristi krisluvswool "knitting, spinning, and fun!" find them online as @inasknit
- knitting butterflies hosted by Emily emilystraw "fiber, photography, and life" find her online as butterflyem4 and her group.
- Prairie Girls Knit and Spin hosted by Danie and Susie "may your drafting be consistent and your gauge never lie." find them online as prairiegirldanie and prairiegirlsusie and in their group
- YarnGasm hosted by Kristin voolenvine "knits, spins, and dyes yarn in Brooklyn." find her online as voolenvine
- Snappy Stitches hosted by Chrissy chrissythegreat "join on knitting and spinning adventures." find her online as manicpurl
- Knitting Pipeline hosted by Paula prairiepiper "the knitting show with a celtic flare." find her online as knittingpipeline
- With Mel [video]/[audio] hosted by Mel mskiknits " adventure. smile.together.repeat." find her online as mskiknits
- Brass Needles hosted by Miss Kalendar kalendargirl "knitting, crafting, sci-fi, steampunk, and cosplay." find her online as @Miss_Kalendar
- Yarniacs hosted by Sharlene KnitterNinjaShar and Gayle gayleywayley "search for the ever-elusive perfect yarn for the perfect project" find them online as @yarniacs
- Mastering the Knits hosted by Natalie barknknit and Alicia KnottyKnitter17 "inspiring each other to go outside our comfort zones to master our craft." join in the group
- to me!) hosted by Pam pamallen and Hannah hannahfettig
- Dark Matter Knits(new to me!) hosted by Elizabeth elizabethgm
- KnerdGirl Knits hosted by Kris geknitics and Kaity knottyknerd "Mom and daughter knitting videocast, with a nerdy twist." find them online as knerdgirlknits
- Just One More Row hosted by Dana DanaOfUnwind and Brittany brittanylaine "friends talking from afar about their crafts." find them online as @justonemorerow
- Hollywood Knitter hosted by Allison allison1031 "a gal with a wicked knitting addiction" find her online as @allison1031
- Subway Knits hosted by Maria venusfueri "adventures in and out of New York City." find her online as @venusfueri
- TheKnitGirllls hosted by Laura LaLa and Leslie udontcallmeles "sharing weekly crafting adventures." find them online as @theknitgirllls
- Knit 1 Geek 2 hosted by Maggie MASalter and Karen knitwit1912 "knitting and all things geeky." find them online as @knit1geek2
- Stash and Burn hosted by Nicole bigsister and Jenny jennycheck "all things knitting and life under the weight the stash." find them online as @stashandburn
- Knitting in Circles hosted by Aimee froggymonkey and Darren DJknitsalotmore "husband and wife knitting and spinning videocast." join in the group
- The Fat Squirrel Speaks hosted by Amy Beth thefatsquirrel "knitting, spinning, and assorted awesomeness" find her online as thefatsqrrl
- Knitting Go!(new to me!) hosted by Heather rycrafty "a Canadian knitter just trying to keep warm in the winter" find her online as rycrafty
- Retro Lemon Studio(new to me!) hosted by Jenna retrolemon find her online as retrolemon
- We Are Yarn(new to me!) hosted by Amanda mandikat find her online as mandikat509 and her group
- Actually Knitting(new to me!) hosted by Michelle ACTuallyKNITting "The podcast about mostly knitting, with a theatrical flair." find her online as actuallyknitting and in her group
- TVknittingpodcast(on hiatus) hosted by Sharon stitchmistress "TV and knitting, but not necessarily together." find her online as tvknittingstitchmistress
- Knit Knit Cafe(on hiatus) hosted by Abby abbyknitz "the podcast so nice, they named it twice." find her online as abbyknitz
- Round the Twist(on hiatus) hosted by Carin alcariel
- Yarn on Tap(on hiatus) hosted by Wendy and Kelie find them online as @knittersbrewing
- His & Hers Podcast(on hiatus) hosted by Sean and Melissa meliabella
Geeky note: I listen to my podcasts in Downcast, on both my devices and my Mac. I can sync the list of subscribed podcasts and then only download the ones I want to each device (usually audio to my iPhone, and then streaming for video on either the Mac or iPad).
Downcast uses the same updates as iTunes, so if you are using iTunes to listen to podcasts, Downcast is a similar alternative. It doesn't require podcasters to do anything different when publishing!
I listen on the go with my iPhone, while crafting in my craft office (where I podcast from) on the big monitor hooked to my laptop, and in the evening in bed or from the kitchen while I cook on my iPad. I used to just use my iPhone but it sure is nice to have everything using the same list for any device I choose at the time!
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